Emergency and Medical Claims
You must contact the Medical Emergency Assistance Company immediately about any serious illness or accident abroad where you have to go into hospital or you may have to return home early or extend your stay because of any illness or injury. If you are unable to do this because the condition is life, limb, sight or organ threatening, you (or someone on your behalf) should contact them as soon as you can.
You can contact the Medical Emergency Assistance Company, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on:
Telephone: +44 (0) 1444 465553
Email: 247assistance@imglobal.com
If you purchased your policy before 30th January 2025 please call +44 (0) 20 8057 3896 or email internationalhealthcare@healix.com
For all other claims, please contact:
Claims Settlement Agencies
308-314 London Road
Telephone 01702 746549
For policies purchased before 1st February 2023, please call 01702 553443
Email claims.travel@csal.co.uk
Website http://www.submitaclaim.co.uk/exp
To make a claim for Scheduled Airline Failure, please contact IPP Claims at Sedgwick on 0345 266 1872
To make a claim under the Gadget cover section, please use the online claims service https://bastion.davies-group.com/ or call Davies Group Limited on 0345 074 4828